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See What We Did For These Clients:

Silicon Graphics

How We Helped:

  • John Soper of NPM provided critical assistance when SGI made a strategic shift of Linux as their future OS. Many hurdles had to be overcome: A more robust, high-end product had to be developed with the cooperation of the Linux Community and other manufacturers turning to Linux (such as IBM and HP). Distribution channels to brand a new 64-bit Linux were required (such as SuSE and RedHat). Enterprise buyers had to be persuaded that this new approach was viable, credible and legitimate. We developed creative strategies and business alliances to deal with each of these issues, and tenacious fought the uphill battles to make the project a reality.
  • A new strategy for development tools was necessary to meet the growing requirements of a SGIs "roll your one" customer base. A powerful blend of internal tools and third party development environments was developed to make a winning solution. In addition, we rolled up our sleeves and renegotiated creative and tough deals, to save SGI significant revenue and build in terms to meet their new requirements.

What They Said:

"I worked with John Soper while I was in in the applications marketing group, where he focused on our development strategy, and later laid the foundation for the company's emerging Linux alliances group. I relied heavily on John's negotiating skills. He successfully resolved a number of critical issues with strategic partners, as well as bringing in key Linux partners."

James Sherburne
Product Marketing, Linux Development
Silicon Graphics, Inc.


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